Container ships have a very suitable profile for the Bawat BWMS because they have a high-powered main engine and the amount of ballast water that needs to be exchanged is relatively small.
The system is designed to fulfil the actual needs for treatment of ballast water resulting in a small footprint. The utilization of waste heat to drive the BWMS, no filters and no consumables makes OPEX for ship owners negligible.
As the Bawat BWMS is treating water at sea, the ship’s crew can fully concentrate on cargo operations when in port. There are no disruptions as the system is not running at this point.
When container ship owners choose a Bawat BWMS they select a robust, easy-to-handle and sustainable BWMS solution. This unique approach to ballast water treatment aims at keeping the total cost of ownership as low as possible and at the same time making the operational set-up as easy as possible.
The system is composed of well-known, standard marine components, making it easy to operate and simple to maintain.